Friday, April 11, 2008

A few points about TRLP Sessions...please comment back

I had a conversation with Gigi at Cantina Laredo and she encouraged me to post the summary here. Basically, several of us felt underwelmed by todays sessions and the sessions from the diversity training and it lead to a series of conversations that I'm going to sum up this way:

1. We **love** TRLP and the people in the group we're working beside, and we **really** appreciate with work Gigi, Diane and the others put into this.
2. We seem most impressed with the community, city, county, industry and association leaders who spend their time helping us, along with activities that let us interact and work together.
3. We learn more about true diversity in our discussions of each other's individual backgrounds and experiences rather than sophomoric exercises and watching videos that sugarcoat the issue.
4. We learn more about efficient meetings by having them, instead of running well over time while lecturing us about staying on point. A thirty minute video on bad meetings seemed like a odd and ineffective choice.
5. We learn more about our association and our ability to be leaders within it by discussing the interworkings, the challenges & successes of our organization instead of learning how to apply for a business loan.
6. Those of us in this class are not at a 101 level. We want sessions that make us stretch and grow, not sessions that slow-pitch to us. We're asking to have the bar raised.

With great respect for our times together and for everyone who believes in TRLP.


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